☃☃ The Adventures of Dac and Laser + a Short Rant ☃☃

Recently, my friend who requested the Panda and Taco keychain chain ordered a fridge magnet of the same character, and thus DacTac was born. He was lonely when he first came into this world, until he met the studio livin’ veteran Laser the Hedgehog.

Dac and Laser's adventures began at the Corner Shelf Cafe. Dac ordered a Strawberry Cake, as recommended by Laser.

Dac and Laser’s adventures began at the Corner Shelf Cafe. Dac ordered a Strawberry Cake, as recommended by Laser.

Laser soon learned that Dac was not going to be here very long, so they promptly left the cafe to go sight seeing!

The Giant Statue of the Thai Lady. Laser and Dac enjoyed the serene temple feeling of this area.

The Giant Statue of the Thai Lady. Laser and Dac enjoyed the serene temple feeling of this area.

Dac and Laser seem to be quite popular with the Ponies.

Dac and Laser seem to be quite popular with the Ponies.

Wanting to see more of the place, the duo hailed a CatCab to arrive at their destination more quickly.

They decided to pose for a picture before boarding the Cab.

They decided to pose for a picture before boarding the Cab.

Dac decided to show off his climbing abilities while Laser waited patiently for his beverage.

Dac decided to show off his climbing abilities while Laser waited patiently for their beverages.

A final toast to good friends and great fun.

A final toast to good friends and great fun.

Their last stop together, a great photo op in front of a Texas billboard.

Their last stop together, a great photo op in front of a Texas billboard.

DacTac, if you get this message, just know that Laser (and the ponies) miss you greatly.


Update, and why I haven’t posted anything recently:

The camera and I do not get along well. Whether it is the battery going dead, or the memory card taking a vacation, or the flash doing too good of a job, it seems like I always have some kind of problem. Today I took a bunch of pictures of new pieces, and the exposures on all of them are different (Thanks, Flash!), so it would look quite silly to upload them in the same post.  I might get them up today after my tech genius boyfriend shows me how to use the camera, or I might wait until after this holiday weekend, not sure yet. Either way, just know that there are a lot of exciting new pieces coming from the kitchen, including Holiday Cakes, Mickey Mouse, and Sailor Moon related items.

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving with Too Much Stuffing! :p

☺☺ New Decodens and Halloween Stuff! ☺☺

Hi and welcome back! ^_^ After the video game character charms, and the chibis, I had a chance to make some cakes. There was a Halloween cake on the cover of a cooking magazine that had really cool colors, so my intention was to create it and put it in a Halloween container. Here is how it went down:

Despite looking lovely and yummy, it is too big for the container V_V

Despite looking lovely and yummy, it is too big for the container V_V

Next I made this one, which again, does not fit. I forgot how to measure X_X

Next I made this one, which again, does not fit. I forgot how to measure X_X

After the last two, I figured I would make one even smaller, match the size to the container, and finally reach my goal. Well, at the last minute I stupidly put too wide of frosting on the edge and it doesn't fit either. >.<

After the last two, I figured I would make one even smaller, match the size to the container, and finally reach my goal. Well, at the last minute I stupidly put too wide of frosting on the edge and it doesn’t fit either. >.<

After the cakes, I made this pair of earrings to be festive n' stuff. Kawaiiiii

After the cakes, I made this pair of earrings to be festive n’ stuff. Kawaiiiii

Here are the three Halloween containers I decoden'd. The golden snitch lookin' bats, pumpkins, candy corn, and wicked witch head were made by me. (You may recognize the witch and small candy corns from a prior post. Yay they finally got a home:) )

Here are the three Halloween containers I decoden’d. The golden snitch lookin’ bats, pumpkins, candy corn, and wicked witch head were made by me. (You may recognize the witch and small candy corns from a prior post. Yay they finally got a home:) )

That’s all the Halloween for now. Here are the rest of the Decodens.

This was a request from my Grandma to give as a Christmas gift to a little girl who likes flowers and princess stuff. I hope she likes it ^_^

This was a request from my Grandma to give as a Christmas gift to a little girl who likes flowers and princess stuff. I hope she likes it ^_^

This is an iPhone 5 case ^_^ I would use it but I have a 4, so this one is for sale.  I found some 4 cases so I can make one for myself soooooon ^_^

This is an iPhone 5 case ^_^ I would use it but I have a 4, so this one is for sale.
I found some 4 cases so I can make one for myself soooooon ^_^

Alrighty see ya next time!

☠☠ No One Mourns the Wicked ☠☠

Since I have been on this Wicked kick lately, I decided to make a charm of the poster image for the play:


I wonder what Glinda is telling Elphaba.

I wonder what Glinda is telling Elphaba.

Yeah I know, it looks pretty crappy, the lines aren’t too smooth, Elphaba’s smile looks like something off Sesame Street, and it’s kinda got a wobbly border. This is the first attempt, I don’t think it’s *too* bad considering that fact, though I will try again in the future to make a better one. My cousins and their kids love Wicked so these would make good Christmas gifts for them. 🙂

ღღ Miniature Teddy Bear ღღ

So I woke up a couple mornings ago and first thing I saw was my teddy bear Brownie. He’s been with me since I was a baby, so I am really attached to this bear. When I go spend the night out, I still pack him along. Anyways, when I saw Brownie the other morning, I thought I should make a clay version. Here he is below, Mini Brownie ^_^


The original Brownie is a bean filled chubby little guy with a goofy smile and tiny eyes that are slightly crooked. I tried to replicate those attributes with the mini version.

The original Brownie is a bean filled chubby little guy with a goofy smile and tiny eyes that are slightly crooked. I tried to replicate those attributes with the mini version. 

When I was a kid, I imagined that Brownie was a “Circus Bear”, because his yellow collar kind of reminded me of what a clown would wear. Now the collar is very faded and the stretchy band in it has all but worn out :(. At least he is still in over all good health and now has a mini friend オカエリ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!

!✔ Caaaandy Cruuuush ✔!

I have been talking about making this for a while, and finally got to create it today.

Any other Candy Crush fans out there will know exactly what this is. \(^ ^)/


*dances around wildly*  ホーリー!!( ・_・)ノ ζ|||ζ I did it! ^_^

*dances around wildly*
ホーリー!!( ・_・)ノ ζ|||ζ
I did it! ^_^

Here is a side view so you can see the texture and depth.

Here is a side view so you can see the texture and depth.

This is the Candy Crush icon on a cellular phone, for the uninitiated 😛

Have a good night/day/whatever time it is where you are!



°o° Donuts and another friend °o°

Since I don’t really like to eat donuts, cause they are soooooo bad for you, I like to make them and still appreciate the aesthetic value, without worrying of any spoiling. So here are more sweets to feast the eyes upon. (’-’*) フフ

Mickey Mouse Doughnut. I made this for that special person in my life since he loves Mickey. It came out pretty much exactly how I imagined it. :)

Mickey Mouse Doughnut.
I made this for that special person in my life since he loves Mickey. It came out pretty much exactly how I imagined it. 🙂

Here is the side so you can see the frosting-y donut-ness.

Here is the side so you can see the frosting-y donut-ness.

90's doughnuts.  Wooooo! now where are my neon colored sunglasses?!

90’s doughnuts.
Wooooo! now where are my neon colored sunglasses?!

Hello Kitty Candy Pop. There is still debate around here as to whether this is an ice cream popsicle or candy lollipop. Either way, I think it's cute ^_^

Hello Kitty Candy Pop.
There is still debate around here as to whether this is an ice cream popsicle or a candy lollipop. Either way, I think it’s cute ^_^

Alright sorry if you want to eat some sweets now X_X

Oh my, a song about a sweet tooth just played randomly on my music mix. It’s a sign; go ahead n’ indulge 😛

ツツ Miniature Cakes ツツ

I’ve been wanting to make more realistic looking cakes since I first made them as an afterthought of the main project.  So, here they are!

Strawberry cake with whipped cream. :)

Strawberry cake with whipped cream. 🙂

Here, have a slice.

Here, have a slice.

Peppermint Swirl cake.  This one is comprised of left overs from the past couple day's other projects.

Peppermint Swirl cake.
This one is comprised of left overs from the past couple day’s other projects.

Here have another slice. ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ

Here have another slice.


Thanks for checking out today’s new cakes!


☽☽ Sailor Moon Miniature Wands V.2 ☾☾

I got pretty addicted to making these wands. I think I have made like 6 moonsticks now? 😀

Cutie Moon Rod. First attempt. Notbad.jpg

Cutie Moon Rod. First attempt. Notbad.jpg

Cutie Moon rod made with gemstones ^_^ This was *a lot* of fun to make.  The stones in this one are aventurine, jasper, carnelian, rose quartz, and quartz (the latter two can be seen below)

Cutie Moon rod made with gemstones ^_^ This was *a lot* of fun to make.
The stones in this one are aventurine, jasper, carnelian, rose quartz, and quartz (the latter two can be seen below)

Top of Cutie Moon Rod, gemstone version seen above.

Top of Cutie Moon Rod, gemstone version seen above.

Chibimoon's Pink Moon Stick. It came out pretty well, except for that star giving me so many issues.  Does anyone have any advice on shaping stars without a mold!? -_-

Chibimoon’s Pink Moon Stick. It came out pretty well, except for that star giving me so many issues.
Does anyone have any advice on shaping stars without a mold!? -_-


another moonstick :P

another moonstick 😛

It's so0o0o0o tiny! Better not lose it X_X

It’s so0o0o0o tiny! Better not lose it X_X

Thanks for taking the time to check out the evolution of my Sailor Moon wands.

If anyone has a favorite character’s weapon or henshin, let me know and I will try to make it ^_^ Since my favorite character is SM, it’s hard for me to break out and make things for other characters, but if someone gives me a request , it will give me the inspiration to try something new.



❤❤ A Few Cookies ❤❤

These are the last of my latest batch of cookies. I need to make more >.< But I have been too preoccupied making Sailor Moon things. Anyways, check em out

The mold I used for this one is a bit smaller than the previous cookies. It is more compact, but I feel limited for spaaaaaace.

The mold I used for this one is a bit smaller than the previous cookies. It is more compact, but I feel limited for spaaaaaace.

A side view so y'all can see the depth and bling gems on the sides ^_^

A side view so y’all can see the depth and bling gems on the sides ^_^


This is a "warm color" version of another cookie I have previously posted.  The little lemon broke before I had the chance to reinforce him. We have transported this cookie to the ER for surgery this afternoon. Feel free to leave him flowers so he can get better soon. :p

This is a “warm color” version of another cookie I have previously posted.
The little lemon broke before I had the chance to reinforce him. We have transported this cookie to the ER for surgery this afternoon. Feel free to leave him flowers so he can get better soon. :p

My first macaron weeeee!!!  Of course this is SM themed >.<

My first macaron weeeee!!!
Of course this is SM themed >.<

Here is a side view of the macaron. I really want to make more of these, but the side of it is tedious to get the texture. Neeeed paaaatienceeee :P

Here is a side view of the macaron. I really want to make more of these, but the side of it is tedious to get the texture. Neeeed paaaatienceeee 😛

Next time on DecoJenn Cookie Edition we will have some fresh baked, scented Oreos. This will probably be beginning of next week since it is Friday already. *dances* FRIDAY YAY

hope you all have a good weekend!

➽➽ Containers: The Latest Edition ➽➽

Sorry it’s been so long since the last update! m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ

Lipgloss is more fun when it comes in a cute container ^_^ . Since the gloss is purple I tried to make a similar matching color pattern on the lid.

Lipgloss is more fun when it comes in a cute container ^_^ . Since the gloss is purple I tried to make a similar matching color pattern on the lid.

This is the second fruits of the round table, this one having more colors than the last.  I gifted the other one to my boyfriend's mom, she really liked it! :)  So I figured I would make another one to replace it.

This is the second fruits of the round table, this one having more colors than the last.
I gifted the other one to my boyfriend’s mom, she really liked it! 🙂
So I figured I would make another one to replace it.

I <<<3333 this one!! It's Sailor Moon's henshin on a bow as is seen on her costume. Also I put rainbow bling gems which really pop out.

I <<It’s Sailor Moon’s henshin on a bow as is seen on her costume. Also I put rainbow bling gems which really pop out.

When I made this box, I tried to make the theme "things Usagi (sailor moon in her regular human form) would like".

When I made this box, I tried to make the theme “things Usagi (sailor moon in her regular human form) would like”.

I hope everyone likes the latest round of containers \(^ ^)/ I tried to take better pictures than those in the last posts so let me know if they look better this time around 🙂