♦.:’ My Little Pony Resin Showcase ‘:.♦

ʕ•̫ʔ♡*:.✧ Hey-lo everyone! Welcome back to my internet corner. 🙂 Hope y’all are doin’ okay, ’cause here it’s so cold and rainy, I just wanna drink hot beverages and watch anime all day. It’s even too cold to make clay, as the clay just cracks instead of molding smoothly, which means Chibi Act Two is on hold ’till the weather goes back to normal. 😦

Moving on, today we have the My Little Pony resin pieces, which a couple of them I am stupid excited about. Let’s begin with the small ones and work up to the Jumbo Double Sided Wall Ornament!

This is the first double sided resin piece I've made. It is cut from a comic book and suspended in resin with little confetti hearts as a border.

This is the first double sided resin piece I’ve made. It is cut from a comic book and suspended in resin with little confetti hearts as a border.

Just a few MLP necklaces. It is really difficult to fit stickers in these molds, but I can't find any others around this size that give a shine finish, most ice cube trays and candy molds in cute shapes leave the resin with a matte finish.

Just a few MLP necklaces. It is really difficult to fit stickers in these molds, but I can’t find any others around this size that give a shine finish, most ice cube trays and candy molds in cute shapes leave the resin with a matte finish.

This is everyone's favorite of the MLP pieces. I can see why, it's hilarious!

This is everyone’s favorite of the MLP pieces. I can see why, it’s hilarious! The resin seeped onto the right side of the picture a little bit, and I could “cover it” with some bling stones, but I like the simplicity of the piece as it is. What do you think?

…Drumroll Please!!

This is the Jumbo Double Sided Wall Ornament. I put some cute bows on the top to make it more kawaii and a white chain to hang from. I'm super proud of this piece!

This is the Jumbo Double Sided Wall Ornament. I put some cute bows on the top to make it more kawaii and a white chain to hang from. I’m super proud of this piece!

It is six inches tall and three inches wide.

It is six inches tall and three inches wide.

Here is the back of the Jumbo piece. Orignally, I had intended this to be the front, but after I put the cabochons on the other side, that kinda transformed into the better side :p Sometimes with art, what you don't plan comes out the best!

Here is the back of the Jumbo piece. Orignally, I had intended this to be the front, but after I put the cabochons on the other side, that kinda transformed into the better side :p Sometimes with art, what you don’t plan comes out the best!

I hope everyone enjoyed the My Little Pony Resin Showcase!

By the way, I took these pictures in the new lightbox I made thanks to a suggestion from Kat at Pretty Cake Machine (thanks, chica!). Y’all let me know if the pictures are looking better this time around. 🙂

Have a good one, see ya ’round like a donut!ʕ•̫͡•ʕ*̫͡*ʕ•͓͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•̫͡•ʔ*̫͡*ʔ-̫͡-ʔ


☃☃ The Adventures of Dac and Laser + a Short Rant ☃☃

Recently, my friend who requested the Panda and Taco keychain chain ordered a fridge magnet of the same character, and thus DacTac was born. He was lonely when he first came into this world, until he met the studio livin’ veteran Laser the Hedgehog.

Dac and Laser's adventures began at the Corner Shelf Cafe. Dac ordered a Strawberry Cake, as recommended by Laser.

Dac and Laser’s adventures began at the Corner Shelf Cafe. Dac ordered a Strawberry Cake, as recommended by Laser.

Laser soon learned that Dac was not going to be here very long, so they promptly left the cafe to go sight seeing!

The Giant Statue of the Thai Lady. Laser and Dac enjoyed the serene temple feeling of this area.

The Giant Statue of the Thai Lady. Laser and Dac enjoyed the serene temple feeling of this area.

Dac and Laser seem to be quite popular with the Ponies.

Dac and Laser seem to be quite popular with the Ponies.

Wanting to see more of the place, the duo hailed a CatCab to arrive at their destination more quickly.

They decided to pose for a picture before boarding the Cab.

They decided to pose for a picture before boarding the Cab.

Dac decided to show off his climbing abilities while Laser waited patiently for his beverage.

Dac decided to show off his climbing abilities while Laser waited patiently for their beverages.

A final toast to good friends and great fun.

A final toast to good friends and great fun.

Their last stop together, a great photo op in front of a Texas billboard.

Their last stop together, a great photo op in front of a Texas billboard.

DacTac, if you get this message, just know that Laser (and the ponies) miss you greatly.


Update, and why I haven’t posted anything recently:

The camera and I do not get along well. Whether it is the battery going dead, or the memory card taking a vacation, or the flash doing too good of a job, it seems like I always have some kind of problem. Today I took a bunch of pictures of new pieces, and the exposures on all of them are different (Thanks, Flash!), so it would look quite silly to upload them in the same post.  I might get them up today after my tech genius boyfriend shows me how to use the camera, or I might wait until after this holiday weekend, not sure yet. Either way, just know that there are a lot of exciting new pieces coming from the kitchen, including Holiday Cakes, Mickey Mouse, and Sailor Moon related items.

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving with Too Much Stuffing! :p