❅☃ Post Holiday Update :D ☃❅

(‘-‘*)オヒサ♪ Long time, no see.

We had some very busy holidays around here in Deco-Kitty central.(´~`)

In the past couple months, I have made ~65 batches of chili (Jk, it’s prolly closer to 8, but it feeeeels like more), been on multiple road trips, gone through 2 fits of a bad cold, met multiple members of my boyfriend’s family (*≧▽≦)オハツでっす♪, planted herbs for cooking with, and began the Spring cleaning. Phew!

Anyways, enough rambling, on with the show!

The first piece is a character from Monster High, Abbey Bominable, the daughter of the Yeti. Unbeknownst to most of my friends, I really like the Abominable Snowman, Jack Frost, the Snow Queen, and other characters that deal with coldness/ice/snow, though I am not sure why since I can’t stand cold weather. xD So, given that fun fact, I decided to craft this character first for my upcoming Monster High series, because she’s my favorite character so far.

Yay first image which I tried to add a little extra flair to the foreground :) I am trying to make my pictures look better.

Yay! first image which I added a little extra flair to the foreground 🙂 I am trying to make my pictures look better, hopefully it works.

Of course I couldn’t stay away from making Sailor Moon stuff for long, right?

This is Sailor ChibiMoon's Crystal Carillon. I carefully crafted it so that the bells rings clearly ^_^

This is Sailor ChibiMoon’s Crystal Carillon. I carefully crafted it so that the bells ring clearly ^_^

On the left is Sailor Moon's Disguise Pen. Very easy to make. :D  The two wands are Sailor ChibiMoon's Pink Moon stick.

On the left is Sailor Moon’s Disguise Pen. Very easy to make. 😀
The two wands are Sailor ChibiMoon’s Pink Moon stick.

The sword on the left is called Kaleidomoon Scope (not sure why). I've really liked that weapon and always wanted a miniature toy version of it, so I got to make my own ^_^ On the left is Sailor Venus' transformation wand.

The sword on the left is called Kaleidomoon Scope (not sure why). I’ve really liked that weapon and always wanted a miniature toy version of it, so I got to make my own ^_^
On the left is Sailor Venus’ transformation wand.

I made two bells and two Chibimoon wands so I can keep one and give the other to a friend. She also ordered the Sailor Venus wand and a few other things. (’-’*) フフ Big shout out to Cam-O-Chan for the encouragement and support!!!

When I showed my boyfriend the Sailor Moon sword, he reminded me that he had requested an Adventure Time sword, but that was right around when I first started crafting with clay, and I had forgotten since then |・ω・`)コッショリ So I figured after I made me a sword, I would make him a sword, which means we both got swords! Yay! Sword fight!

This is Fin with his Demon Blood Sword. Feels kinda weird typing that amidst all this pink and glitter on the blog :p

This is Fin with his Demon Blood Sword. Feels kinda weird typing that amidst all this pink and glitter on the blog :p

The next pictures were taken with the cell phone, so I apologize for the quality. They were gifted as Christmas presents or had to be delivered quickly before I decided to take on the camera again.

These were given to my BF's twin sisters. I think they came out really adorable

These were given to my BF’s twin sisters. I think they came out really adorable.

The reason I made this is because the BF's grandma crafted him a quilt for Christmas. It was even featured in a quilt show! Anyways, since she was giving the quilt to him, I wanted to try and replicate the pattern on clay for her :) She loves Mickey Mouse so I combined the two for this piece.

The reason I made this is because the BF’s grandma crafted him a quilt for Christmas. It was even featured in a quilt show! Anyways, since she was giving the quilt to him, I wanted to try and replicate the pattern on clay for her 🙂 She loves Mickey Mouse so I combined the two for this piece.

The following two below are a big Sailor Moon haul that left home very quickly.

It's all about the bow. That's my favorite piece in this bunch.

It’s all about the bow. That’s my favorite piece in this bunch.

The transformation wands for each Sailor of the inner planets. left to right - Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus.  If you go back up and look at Cam-O-Chan's Venus wand, you'll see the improvements from this batch ^_^;;

The transformation wands for each Sailor of the inner planets. left to right – Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus.
If you go back up and look at Cam-O-Chan’s Venus wand, you’ll see the improvements from this batch ^_^;;

And lastly, in honor of the Chinese/Lunar New Year, we have some lucky red envelopes that will be given to my friends when I see them 😀

It was a lot of fun painting the pictures on these. In fact, so much fun that I had contemplated making another batch!

It was a lot of fun painting the pictures on these. In fact, so much fun that I had contemplated making another batch!

I hope everyone had a good holiday season and also that your New Year is off to a good start!

Thanks for making it to the end!! 🙂

(^ _ ^)/~~サヨナラ

°o° Donuts and another friend °o°

Since I don’t really like to eat donuts, cause they are soooooo bad for you, I like to make them and still appreciate the aesthetic value, without worrying of any spoiling. So here are more sweets to feast the eyes upon. (’-’*) フフ

Mickey Mouse Doughnut. I made this for that special person in my life since he loves Mickey. It came out pretty much exactly how I imagined it. :)

Mickey Mouse Doughnut.
I made this for that special person in my life since he loves Mickey. It came out pretty much exactly how I imagined it. 🙂

Here is the side so you can see the frosting-y donut-ness.

Here is the side so you can see the frosting-y donut-ness.

90's doughnuts.  Wooooo! now where are my neon colored sunglasses?!

90’s doughnuts.
Wooooo! now where are my neon colored sunglasses?!

Hello Kitty Candy Pop. There is still debate around here as to whether this is an ice cream popsicle or candy lollipop. Either way, I think it's cute ^_^

Hello Kitty Candy Pop.
There is still debate around here as to whether this is an ice cream popsicle or a candy lollipop. Either way, I think it’s cute ^_^

Alright sorry if you want to eat some sweets now X_X

Oh my, a song about a sweet tooth just played randomly on my music mix. It’s a sign; go ahead n’ indulge 😛