!.:.*Cafe Official Sneak Peak*.:.!

Hi everyone! *waves* Today I have some super exciting pictures to share, so let’s get right to it!


Table for Two? Right this way. :3

Table for Two? Right this way. :3

Decided to give the table a cloth, which is actually a doily.

Decided to give the table a cloth, which is actually a doily.

Don't mind the mess on the left, the cook just got a little frustrated and flipped a table.

Don’t mind the mess on the left, the cook just got a little frustrated and flipped a table.

The lighting varies because I spent over 2 hours trying to get it right. The top picture seems to look the best, now if I can just remember which settings I used to acheive that look ^-^”

In the first and second pictures, I used the same small table, but I am not sure if the table looks better with or without the cloth. What do y’all think? I like the small thickness for seating and the long for displaying cakes. too bad I have only one of that particular table.

The third picture has a tea set with a cake roll to the left, and the first picture features the same one. The cake is a cell phone charm, as you can see with the string in the tea cup. :p Anyways, the whole point of this major project is making a nice scene to display the little cake charms, particularly to sell them. I am not sure if it looks better with the tea set (might be washed out with too much white), or alone on the table for two. Oh, the major decisions in life.

As always, feedback is welcomed and appreciated, even though no one really leaves comments anymore *sad face*.

Have a nice day, and stay dry this weekend to all the locals!

Don't be shy (☆^ー^☆) I appreciate all feedback!